Saturday, September 18, 2010

Long Time.......

Long Time NO HEAR FROM! Sorry Blogger Friends-I've been on holiday and traveling since the 25th of August and have not had the opportunity to update my blog.......BAD ME! Jack and I left SaddleBrooke on the 25th and our goal was to go visit the grandkids back in Madison, Wisconsin. We drove ....... so you can image the issues pending from that first step! I LOVE Jack to DEATH-HOWEVER........his (long term) driving just about sends me OVER THE EDGE! We did however make it to Madison with a short stop over in Greeley Colorado to visit my BFF. Jan and I attended the "Craft and Stampers" convention the first weekend I arrived and then spent the rest of our time together running-eating and playing in your fabulous studio. She was having her new lighting system installed, so we didn't have an opportunity to really jump in and PLAY-but let me tell you......She has ONE AMAZING Studio! We left Colorado to head to Wisconsin and have spent the last 2-1/2 weeks PLAYING in Madison. We arranged to have all our yearly medical appointments and have gotten a SQUEEKY CLEAN bill of health (from all directions). Today we are off to Indiana - to visit Jack's nephew.....we will spend 2-3 days in Indiana and then head down to Crossville, TN to visit his neice for 3-days. We are then heading up to St Lois to visit my son for a LONG weekend and end our visiting in Branson for 3-FUN DAYS. It has been TOO MUCH FUN visiting and playing with my girlfriends over the last three weekends - we attending scrapbooking mania's during that time and shared LOTS of laughter and I even believe somebody even peeeed their pants (you know who you are.......). I truly miss my gal pals and enjoyed every minute of my time with them. I was hoping to post some photos while I was gone, but brought the wrong cable and can not even hook up my camera to my laptop........I will either stop along the way at a Best Buy to purchase a new cable.....or....wait till I arrive back in SaddleBrooke to share those pics. Until I'm connected or the beginning of October - Check back and remember.....KEEP LIVING YOUR DREAM!

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