Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bunny HOP.....HOP......HOP

Okay, Okay.........I know I promised I would share with you some pics of the creations I've been working on in June and July.....but just had to post these pictures I took of the Bunny action that was going on outside my studio window. I was busy in my studio creating some fabulous cards and I kept hearing this noise right outside my window and when I got up to look what was going on - well I spotted these two bunnies on my sidewalk. They were just tiny little bunnies and I have NO IDEA if they were playing or fighting......they were really making some serious hissssssing sounds.
They each took turns standing up and down and then I was lucky enough to get this next picture in flight.......
The one bunny took off and charged the bunny on the left and that bunny FLEW up in the air and when he came down he hit the ground about two feet from where he started and was flying in the opposite direction (running like there was NO TOMORROW). I have NO IDEA if they were PLAYING or FIGHTING. If someone out there knows, can you share with me. Would love to know what this action was all about.
Have to say that my grandkids will really enjoy this post.......They ask me every time I chat with them if I've seen any more critter action in my yard - so they will be happy to see that I've had some action going on and actually caught it on film.
Thanks for stopping by and I promise to have some card creations posted tomorrow. Keep Living Your Dream and hope to see you tomorrow.

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