Monday, June 28, 2010

A Little Boy and His Dog

I know promised you a posting of another Kard by Kadie creation - but I just had to share a little something with you.....Please indulge me......This is a posting of a Little Boy (my grandson to be exact) and his dog..... Meet Steven. and his dog Buddy.......
Steven. is five years old and Buddy (at the taking of this picture) is less than one day old. While Steven. was here visiting us from Wisconsin in May, we took him and his older sister and cousin Brooke down to Build A Bear and Steven. created his very first Build A Bear. As we left the store he was huggin his puppy and kept saying.....I can't believe I got my first Build A Bear........(As he kept huggin Buddy and telling him he would take care of him forever......).
When we came home, Steven. took Buddy out to the Ramanda along with a box of crayons and started coloring his Build A Bear Box. Steven. decided that Buddy just couldn't be put back into a plain old plain old box and he (along with Buddy) set out to make Buddy's box BEAUTIFUL!
With Buddy sitting along side of Steven., they were able to complete Buddy's home and they lived happily ever after.
As you might have noticed, I add a period at the end of Steven's name each and every time I type it. It's kind of an inside joke (only problem is....Steven. is too young to understand the joke - but it is documented for him to enjoy when he's older).......Anyways.....when you ask Steven. to write his name, he will write it each and every time "STEVEN." His NaNa Sewell taught him to write his name and somewhere along the line (guess it might have something to do with him also learning the computer at the same time and typing www.(whatever).com), Steven. began adding a period after he wrote his name. And that period has stuck. So when we write his name (you say out loud)......S T E V E N .(period).
I'm feeling a little bad for whoever has to tell him that there is no period at the end of his name when he starts school next year. But for now....we all incude the period at the end of his name and have recorded this story in his baby book for all to enjoy when he's 30 years old. Needless to say, I have countless other stories that Steven. has shared with me over the last five years and look at each of those stories to be the JOY that comes along with being Steven. Grandma.
Thanks for indulging me today - I'll be back tomorrow with a card that I received last month from a good friend in Wisconsin. Keep Living Your Dream!

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