I've been able to load the software directly to my laptop and I can then hook my Cricut machine directly up to my laptop. The Design Studio software will basically do the same thing that the Gypsy claims to do - just through my laptop instead of a Gypsy.
And here is the entire Design Studio package....in all it's GLORY. Needless to say.....I downloaded the software in a heart beat and immediatly began playing with my DS and Cricut......LOVE LOVE LOVE the welding feature. Will share with you some amazing creations I've created this next month.
The BAD news......I've loaded my fifty something Cricut cartridges to my daughter's Gypsy, so I can't load them ever again to another Gypsy. I do however have the cartridges in my studio and since I have the Design Studio - I'm good to go.........but the GOOD NEWS.....My daughter was THRILLED beyond words and now she can travel to her crops and weekend retreats with just the Gypsy and her Cricut machine in hand. Enjoy your new Gypsy Cheryl.......I am so pleased you like your new gift.
Stop back tomorrow when I'll kick off July (and the count down to my birthday) with a boxful of things I bought at Blue Moon Scrapbooking here in Tucson. Until tomorrow - Keep Living Your Dream!
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