Friday, May 07, 2010


SORRY that I haven't posted anything for the last couple of days.........BUT......I'm pretty sure you will understand when you see these adorable faces. These are my Grandkids from Wisonsin and I've been busy planning for the arrival of my two daughters, their husbands and my four Wisconsin GRANDKIDS. They will be arriving in less than 10 hours.
A couple of months ago......Jack surprised me with the "go ahead" to purchasing EIGHT round trip tickets for my daughters and their families to fly out to SaddleBrooke and visit for a week. Can I tell you.............The day has finally arrived and I'm about ready to EXPLODED with Joy.
Today they will arrive in Phoenix at 4pm - and I plan to be FRONT AND CENTER at the end of the walkway when they depart their plane. I have those type of grandkids that when they see you...........They run (full steam) right into your arms. It's one of those THRILLS that as a grandparent......Melts your heart. (The first time our oldest grandson Jared did this, we were arriving back in Madison from a 2-week California vacation-and as Jared was running into Jack's arms, he was airborne yelling "Pop Pop, I missed you!" It is one of those visions that is forever BURNED into my mind.)
SO.........My plan is to be MIA for the next week. I have nothing planned for my blog this next week ........ But, I do have some serious PLAY TIME planned with my grandkids. I'll check back with you on the 14th when they will be leaving and I'll have LOTS of pictures and story to share with you. Hope you understand. Until next Friday - Keep Living Your Dream!

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