Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm Still Around

Okay friends.......NO....I didn't drop off the face of the earth......I did however have some trouble adjusting to life without a houseful of guest. The kids have returned back to Wisconsin (was too funny - they landed back in Wisconsin before I arrived back in SaddleBrooke - from my returning trip of dropping them off at the Phoenix airport)..........The toys are all put away - along with the sleeping bags and air-o-bed.....and I've almost gotten back into the swing of creating cards. I say almost - because I've been out shopping for more FUN TOYS and PRODUCT for my studio (not to worry....I'll share that with you when I return later this week). I do however have a couple more things to tend to before I return in FULL gear to my blog - so PLEASE......don't give up on me.......I'll be back before the end of the week to share more of my Kards by Kadie and some of the fun things that I've picked up over the last couple of weeks. Hope each of you are having a FABULOUS launch into Summer (it's already been in the HIGH 90's here in Arizona) and I'll check back in later this week. Keep Living Your Dream!

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