Thursday, March 04, 2010

Convention Gifts

Last Saturday there was a Convention in Tucson and three of my SaddleBrooke Stamping Buddies and I went together. I made each of my friends some FUN gifts to take along. This first one is for my BFF Jan - She's my pink chicky-la-la and this set was PERFECT for her. It included a small box of CANDY - a Note Pad (to jot all those items that the merchants ran out of and you just had to fly home and order them on-line) and a cute business card holder - which my twist was to make a small holder for Sticker Address labels. The ladies were able to enter all those contest or they were able to peel off a label so they could be added to a merchants mailing list........(This was an idea that I learned from my Southwest Stamping Group).
Here is what Opal's set looked like!
And last (but not least) was Berta's set.
Here is what they all looked like waiting to be deliveried to each of my friends.
Thanks for stopping by and stop back tomorrow when I'll be sharing the purse holder that I surprised my SaddleBrooke Stamping Buddies with last Friday.
Keep Living Your Dream!

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