Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy 77 Jack!

Happy Birthday Pop Pop! Tuesday was Jack's 77th Birthday and his grandkids sent him some hand-made birthday cards. Just had to share what they made with you. Don't you think they are young card makers in the making? This first one is from Jared, Hailey and Steven. Each one of them took a spot on the card and designed a special message for their Pop Pop....LOVE IT!
This last one is from Brooke (aka-Doll Baby).....The heart, flowers and star are all Fun Foam .... so it really turned out to be a 3-D card for Pop Pop......Truly Beautiful.
Thanks Kids for making Pop Pop smile BIG....he really enjoy each of your cards and HE proudly displayed them on the refig and his office desk.
Here's wishing Pop Pop another 77 happy birthdays! Love You Bunches!

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